IT Infrastructure

Technology infrastructure is essential to judge how people teach, learn, and even communicate in today's digitally connected world when academic communities integrate many devices into their teaching and learning processes. At DCE, keeping a strong technological foundation is more than just a need; it is essential to our guiding principle of technology-based education.

The Institute's IT policy is solid and active. All stakeholders are intended to receive safe and unbroken services as a result of the policy. e.g., Professors, officials, employees, and students.

A broad spectrum of digital tools, technologies, and methods used in the institution has shifted how students receive and share classroom learning. It has inspired students to develop into independent learners who are capable of finding the information they require. The DCE's goal of providing its students with an interactive, collaborative, and personalized learning environment focuses on this venture into the "research and discovery" form of learning.

Institution’s IT infrastructure includes:

  • Secured Wi-Fi connectivity across the entire campus, including hostels.
  • The college altogether has more than 900 computers on campus for the students' computer accessibility. The minimum configuration of a computer is an Intel Core 2 Duo with 2.5 GHz, 2 GB of RAM, and a 160 GB hard disk; the maximum configuration is an Intel Core i7 with 8 GB of RAM and a 500 GB hard disk. The number of systems in every lab is updated based on the student's strengths. The student-to-computer ratio is maintained as per AICTE norms.
  • Storage servers and firewalls are incorporated to secure the Network connectivity.
  • The whole campus is monitored by CCTV cameras including hostels.
  • All departments in the institution have their own printers and scanners as per the need of the respective department.
  • The administration department is equipped with DCE's sophisticated Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system which enables the management and staff members to quickly access and control key features and functions.
  • DCE courseware – Customized online Teaching Learning platform.

  • DCE courseware is an innovative platform for teaching and learning that gives teachers and students quick access to all necessary learning resources with only one sign-in. A learning management system that meets industry standards, video conferencing, assessment management, and an academic ERP system are all included in the integrated platform. Using a variety of digital technologies, you can offer lectures, have discussions, access online content repositories, give quizzes and assignments, use automated attendance tools, and work on group projects, among other things.