
The placement cell continuously works to identify requirements of companies and co-ordinates with the training cell and the career development cell to train the students. The Team maps the right talent to the right industry. It has been working meticulously to achieve 100% placements year after year. The placement cell focuses more on giving opportunities in core industries to the students.

The placement cell has introduced the "Earn While You Learn" model through paid internships. The students are prepared for interviews and are placed for internships. The students are paid a stipend, ranging from Rs. 10,000 – Rs. 25,000/- during their internship period. The internship model helps the students and the corporate to understand each other better, paving the way for the students to get placed in the companies. The cell continuously monitors their progress and facilitates the students to upgrade their skill-set appropriately. Special timetables and procedures are designed to facilitate the students to complete their regular curriculum during their internship.

Placement Director

Dr Bharathi Raja N M.Tech, Ph.D.

Director - Training and Placement

Mr. Bharathi Raja N has done B.Tech (Information Technology), M.Tech (Information Technology) and doing Ph.D (Deep Learning). His areas of interest are Industry Institute Interaction, Corporate Affairs, Core Industry Institute collaboration and Training & Placement. He has 14 years of experience (Placement Exp – 11 Years and Industrial Exp – 3 Years). Having the Latest Industry Connects with more than 500 Companies (Software, Core and Product Based Companies.)

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Mrs Aruna A

Technical Trainer

Ashok Kumar K

Technical Trainer

Shanmugapriya R

Technical Trainer

Afreen A

Technical Trainer

Vijayalakshmi H

Technical Trainer

Parthasarathi S

Aptitude / Technical Trainer (Core)

Keerthana D

Aptitude Trainer

Subhashini E

Aptitude Trainer

Komathavalli V

Aptitude Trainer